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Author Archives: alex
(Russian) Литургия – Сердце Церкви

(Russian) Этот фильм о Божественной Литургии, центре православного богослужения. Его задача – не просто прокомментировать действия священников во время службы, а раскрыть ее глубинное содержание, по завету преподобного Макария Великого: “Во всем видимом разумей образы невидимого”. Continue reading
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The roads are not paved with gold. Interview with Ekaterina Ilyinichna Kallaur.

Today, in the diaspora, we have to decide what is more important, Russianness or Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy takes priority for us, and though we will try to maintain the Russian language, it is more important for us that the children grow up Orthodox. Continue reading
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Visit of the Iveron-Hawaiian miracle-working icon of the Most Holy Mother of God – Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, September 11, 2011

On Sunday, September 11, 2011, our parish had the great honor of the presence of the Iveron-Hawaiian miracle-working and myrrh-flowing icon of the Most holy Mother of God at the Divine Services for the feast. Continue reading
Visit of the His Eminence the Most Reverend Archbishop of Montreal and Canada Gabriel – Evening Vigil, September 10, 2011

His Eminence GABRIEL, Archbishop of Montreal and Canada visited our parish on the feast commemorating the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, Saturday, September 10, 2011. Continue reading
(Russian) Обиход Нотного Церковного Пения – Панихида и Погребение

(Russian) Панихида – исторически принятое в русском православии название заупокойного чинопоследования; может быть как частным богослужением (требой), так и общественным. По своей структуре представляет собой заупокойную утреню с литией. Может совершаться в доме умершего, в храме и на могиле: в 3-й, 9-й, 40-й день по смерти, а также годовщину его смерти, в день рождения и именин. Отпевание – чин погребения (в Типиконе и Требнике название Последование Мертвенное); одна из треб, но не есть таинство; совершается над телом умершего и только однажды, обычно в храме после заупокойной литургии. Continue reading
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Visit of the Iveron-Hawaiian miracle-working icon of the Most Holy Mother of God and His Eminence the Most Reverend Archbishop of Montreal and Canada Gabriel

His Eminence GABRIEL, Archbishop of Montreal and Canada will visit our parish on Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11, 2011. On these same days our parish will have the great honor of the presence of the Iveron-Hawaiian miracle-working and myrrh-flowing icon of the Most holy Mother of God at the Divine Services for the feast. Continue reading
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The Myrrh-Streaming Icons of Hawaii

“By now all our parishioners living in Honolulu have heard about the blessing that has been bestowed on us sinners, unworthy though we may be, by the grace of the Almighty and the love and concern for us by the All Holy Theotokos. I have asked our Reader Nectarios, in whose home the two icons began streaming myrrh, to describe in his own words what has happened.” Priest Anatole Lyovin … Continue reading
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Akathist Hymn to the All-Holy-Lady Theotokos, Chanted before Her Myrrh-Streaming Montreal Iveron Icon

Unto thee, the helper of the Christian race, chosen out of all generations, who hast given unto us a wondrous sign through thy precious icon and the fragrant myrrh which poureth forth therefrom, do we offer hymnody of praise in compunction of heart. As one who holdest sway over all creation, grant renewal of heart and life unto us who cry aloud: Rejoice, O good gatekeeper who openest the gates of paradise to the faithful! Continue reading
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