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Category Archives: Orthodox Faith and Life
Life As a Sacrament

We all know of the sacraments of the Church and recognize them as certain events or milestones in our Christian lives: we get baptized, we prepare for confession and Communion, get married, and some may get ordained to the holy priesthood…
These important markers provide us with the time and place to be face-to-face with God, to unite with Him within His Holy Church, His Body. But what about the rest of our life? Continue reading
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(Russian) В помощь кающимся. Cвятитель Игнатий Брянчанинов

(Russian) В краткую минуту умиления, в которую открываются очи ума для самопознания, которая приходит так редко, написал я это в обличение себе, в увещание, напоминание, наставление. А ты, кто с верою и любовью о Христе прочитаешь эти строки и, может быть, найдешь в них что-нибудь полезное себе, принеси сердечный вздох и молитву о душе, много пострадавшей от волн греховных, видевшей часто перед собою потопление и погибель, находившей отдохновение в одном пристанище: в исповедании своих грехопадений. Свт. Игнатий Брянчанинов (1807-1867) Continue reading
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Superstition – An Orthodox Perspective.

It is a general notion that religious people have their faith and non-religious have their superstitions. On the surface, most people appear to understand and agree that religion and superstition are incompatible but, curiously, superstitious belief is not confined to non-religious people. On the contrary, it is quite startling and disturbing to see people who are otherwise quite religious and pious, often taken up by clearly superstitious belief. We, as Orthodox Christians, should take a moment to think of the ramifications of this… Continue reading
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(Russian) Житие святителя Филарета (Дроздова), митрополита Московского и Коломенского
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(Russian) Литургия – Сердце Церкви

(Russian) Этот фильм о Божественной Литургии, центре православного богослужения. Его задача – не просто прокомментировать действия священников во время службы, а раскрыть ее глубинное содержание, по завету преподобного Макария Великого: “Во всем видимом разумей образы невидимого”. Continue reading
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The roads are not paved with gold. Interview with Ekaterina Ilyinichna Kallaur.

Today, in the diaspora, we have to decide what is more important, Russianness or Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy takes priority for us, and though we will try to maintain the Russian language, it is more important for us that the children grow up Orthodox. Continue reading
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The Myrrh-Streaming Icons of Hawaii

“By now all our parishioners living in Honolulu have heard about the blessing that has been bestowed on us sinners, unworthy though we may be, by the grace of the Almighty and the love and concern for us by the All Holy Theotokos. I have asked our Reader Nectarios, in whose home the two icons began streaming myrrh, to describe in his own words what has happened.” Priest Anatole Lyovin … Continue reading
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Holy Matrimony

Just as God blessed the first humans, Adam and Eve, to live as a family, to be fruitful and multiply, so too the Church blesses the union of a man and a woman. Marriage, however, is not a state of nature, but is rather a state of grace, and married life is a special vocation (no less than the special calling of monasticism), requiring a gift or charism from the Holy Spirit – this gift being conferred in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
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Holy Baptism

First place among the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church is occupied by Holy Baptism, by which a man, who has come to believe in Christ, by being immersed three times in water in the Name of the Holy Trinity, is cleansed through Divine Grace of all sins (Original Sin and personal sins) and is reborn into a new holy, and spiritual life. This Baptism serves as the door through which man enters into the House of Eternal Wisdom – the Church – for, without it, a man cannot be united completely with the Savior, become a member of His Church, receive the other Sacraments, and be the heir to Eternal Life. Continue reading
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