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Author Archives: alex
Address of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill to the Fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church

There can be nothing more significant for us today than the continuing fratricide which is blazing on the territory of Ukraine, taking away more and more lives. What is happening today, primarily in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, and how are the members of our Holy Church to assess these events? Continue reading
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60 years of Holy Trinity Parish in Vancouver, British Columbia

In May 2014, 60 years have passed since the establishment of the Holy Trinity Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia in Vancouver, B. C. This anniversary was marked by the Holy Trinity Parish on the day of the Holy Trinity, the patronal feast of the temple. For this event, the patronal feast and parish anniversary, the ruling bishop of the Diocese of Canada, the Most Reverend Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada visited Vancouver. Continue reading
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(Russian) О Таинстве Крещения

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Posted in Library, Orthodox Faith and Life, Church School
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The Softening of Evil Hearts

Beginning in the first year of its publication (1965) The Orthodox Word has included several articles on miraculous icons of the Mother of God, such as Joy of All Who Sorrow, Pochaev, Korsun, and Tinos, as an introduction to Orthodox piety relatively unknown and exotic in America. Two of these, the Tikhvin and Kursk “Root” icons, important for their antiquity and role in Russian history, had even appeared on American … Continue reading
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(Russian) Великий канон Св. Андрея Критского читаемый на первой седмице Великого поста

(Russian) Великий канон прп. Андрея Критского— это чудо всей церковной гимнографии, это тексты удивительной силы и красоты. Он разделен на четыре части и читается за Великим Повечерием, вечером, в первые четыре дня Поста. Его можно описать как покаянный плач, раскрывающий нам всю необъятность, всю бездну греха, потрясающий душу отчаянием, раскаянием и надеждой. Continue reading
(Russian) Великий Пост

(Russian) Приуготовив верующих к подвигам поста и покаяния, Церковь вводит их в самый подвиг. Богослужения Великого поста, как и богослужения подготовительных к нему недель, постоянно побуждая к посту и покаянию, изображают состояние души, кающейся и плачущей о своих грехах. Continue reading
Posted in Great Holy Days, Easter
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Lent and Fasting in Parish practice

A curious phenomenon can be observed in the interactions between pastors and their parishioners at the beginning of each major fast of the Church. Pastors attempt to call their parishioners’ pious attention to the spiritual heights of fasting: the fighting against sin, the conquering of passions, the taming of the tongue, the cultivation of virtues. In turn, parishioners pester their pastors with purely dietary questions: when fish is allowed, whether soy milk or soy hotdogs are fasting, whether adding milk to coffee is breaking the fast Continue reading
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THE GREAT LENT – A Week by Week Meaning

There are institutes and symbols adopted by nations, churches or groups of men which represent certain ideals accumulated in the past. These institutes, that is precepts recognized as authoritative, and symbols represent the thoughts and feelings of those who created or adopted them and put in them all the experience of the past, often through struggle and sacrifice. Continue reading
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(Russian) Чему у них поучиться? Свято-Германовский съезд молодежи.

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