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(Russian) Стихотворный диалог Пушкина и святителя Филарета

(Russian) В творческой и духовной биографии Александра Сергеевича Пушкина, пожалуй, самого глубокого выразителя русского национального самосознания, создателя русского литературного языка, есть очень интересный и важный эпизод. Идет 1828-й год. Пушкину 29 лет. Он уже творчески зрелый человек, приближающийся к определенному рубежу своей жизни… Continue reading
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Appeal for the Restoration Fund of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Vancouver

Construction of the Holy Trinity Church at 710 Campbell Avenue began sometime between 1937-1940.This task was the painstaking labor of mostly one man, the Russian Orthodox missionary priest, architect and carpenter, the Reverend Archpriest Alexander Kiziun (1892-1953). Lumber for the project was possibly brought by him from the nearby shipyards where according to one source, Fr. Kiziun helped out and worked at one time. Father Kiziun arrived in Vancouver in … Continue reading
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(Russian) Проповедь на Покров Пресвятой Владычицы нашей Богородицы и Приснодевы Марии (аудио-пост)

(Russian) Воскресная проповедь протоиерея Димитрия Смирнова на праздник Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы о двух сёстрах Марии и Марфе, о хороших кузнецах и плохих чиновниках, о червяках, которым нет дела до других червяков, и о любви, которая “не ищет своего”… Continue reading
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(Russian) На сайте Московского Патриархата опубликована интерактивная карта зарубежных храмов и учреждений Русской Православной Церкви
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(Russian) Иеромонах Серафим (Роуз) как известный православный миссионер и катехизатор второй половины XX века: к 30-летию со дня смерти.
Posted in Library, Orthodox Faith and Life
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Seeker of the Truth. In Memory of Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose)

“Christ’s call is still reaching to us; let us begin to listen to it.” These words of Father Serpahim (Rose)—ascetic, theologian, and preacher—are relevant today more than ever. His books helped many to hear this call. Written in the 1970s and ‘80s for his contemporaries lost in the intellectual wastelands, his works are today even more relevant, because today’s “intellectuals” are wandering lost in even more dangerous deserts of spiritual … Continue reading
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(Russian) Открылся набор на Православный Интернет Курс (ПИК)
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St John the Wonderworker Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco

Childhood ARCHBISHOP JOHN was born on June 4, 1896, in the village of Adamovka in the province of Kharkov in southern Russia. He was a member of the Little Russian noble family of Maximovitch, to which St. John of Tobolsk also had belonged. He received at baptism the name of Michael, his heavenly protector being the Archangel Michael. He was a sickly child and ate little. He received his secondary … Continue reading
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